Equal rights of appeal – campaign launch!

Posted Category: Experiences, News

Campaigning for a fair and inclusive planning system in Scotland Planning Democracy have launched a petition to the SG for an equal right to appeal against consented applications. See the blog to join the campaign: http://www.planningdemocracy.org.uk/2014/equal-rights-of-appeal/ ERA petition can be downloaded here.

Compensation for noise from wind turbines: precedent-setting court decision in Denmark

Posted Category: Health, News

The High Court for Western Denmark sets compensation over and above the amount assessed by the government. By Søren Stenderup Jensen   http://en.friends-against-wind.org/justice/compensation-for-noise-from-wind-turbines Ill informed councils believe they can save money on their own budgets and convince communities through community benefit that wind turbines are the solution the the black hole in their budgets.  All […]

Emergency Measures to prevent blackouts

Posted Category: News

As more and more wind energy is added to the national grid will it help to keep the lights on? If only politicians would allow engineers to be responsible for our energy policy: IESIS promotes the principle that, before proceeding with any policy for the electricity system, comprehensive independent assessments should be carried out. This would […]

Vibro Acoustic Disease

Posted Category: Experiences, Health, News

Andrew Vivar’s whose life has been turned upside down since Ark Hill Windfarm was developed has been researching Vibro Acoustic Disease: “The vibrations induced by the operation of the wind towers (movement of the blades and the remaining existing mechanical equipment) have a frequency content concentrated in bands with medium frequency 3 Hz, 8 Hz, […]

Analysis of UK Wind Power Generation: report by Stuart Young commissioned by the John Muir Trust

Posted Category: News

Stuart Young is the author of these reports: (He has  reviewed these reports and believes that the conclusions of his findings are as relevant today as they were when written, although all the numbers have changed) . “Overview of the Scottish Government’s First Annual UPDATE ”“Overview of 2020 ROUTEMAP update” for Renewable Energy “Gas, oil and […]

50 community councils from across Dumfries and Galloway write to the First Minister demanding a moratorium on any further planning consent to wind farms.

Posted Category: Experiences, News

50 community councils from across Dumfries and Galloway write to the First Minister demanding a moratorium on any further planning consent to wind farms.  Tuesday 25th March 2014 Dumfries and Galloway is not the first area in Scotland to request a  moratorium on further windfarm development. Many areas fight for local democracy and an end to […]