Open letters re contaminated water supplies

Posted Category: Health, Letters, News, Water Contamination

The Scottish Government is proud to support windfarm development in suitable areas. How can the industrialisation of water catchment areas, once protected by law, be regarded as suitable?  I believe that the current lack of consideration in allowing and promoting industrialisation of either public or private water catchment areas is contrary to the whole ethos […]

Responsibility and Accountability for testing for contamination of water supplies

Posted Category: News, Water Contamination

Scottish Government approved Whitelee and its extensions under S36, but the conditions for development were devolved to the Local Authority to enforce. This is completely unreasonable in terms of governance. No one seems to take responsibility for proscribing either what test parameters are required ( eg hydrocarbons) or what the  test intervals should be. So as […]

Open Letters to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Posted Category: Letters, News

OPEN LETTER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY & CLIMATE CHANGE.   19th August 2014 Sir, I note from the attached responses that the DECC consider that this case is closed.  Nothing could be further from the truth due to the fragility of statements made in defence of ETSU and out of date surveys/reports to which […]


Posted Category: Experiences, News

The problem of infrasound is not confined to wind farms but has arisen at Beauly substation where a whole community has been badly affected for well over a year and a similar phenomenon has been reported at Fort Augustus. For over fourteen months now people have been unable to sleep, have suffered ill health and some […]

Shetland wind farm campaigners will take fight to Supreme Court

Posted Category: News

A spokesman for Sustainable Shetland said: “It was resolved that an appeal be lodged with the Supreme Court in London following the recent decision of the Inner House of the Court of Session.” In October 2013, judge Lady Clark set aside planning consent which had been granted to the wind farm. Lady Clark’s decision was […]

Professor Henrik Moeller, Aalborg, Denmark , fired after 38 years of outstanding acoustic research

Posted Category: News

  Professor Henrik Moeller, after 38 years of internationally high quality acoustic research was fired a  few months ago from University of Aalborg because of his criticism of mistakes and omissions etc. by the state authorities and other who have  omitted “safety” noise and distance rules for big wind turbines. Especially the infra- and low […]