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National Parks Petition

Posted Category: News, Petition

Scotland’s landscapes rank amongst the best in the world, including wild mountains, pristine rivers and lochs, ancient forests, stunning coastline and islands, all rich in wildlife and history. With landscapes of such quality it would be reasonable to expect  to see them recognised, celebrated and protected according to international best practice. However, out of over 3,500 National Parks in the world, Scotland has only  two. Galloway is one of the areas of Scotland put forward as a candidate for […]

Call for Whitelee ‘pollution’ probe Sunday Times 8th February

Posted Category: Health, News, Water Contamination

A  representation has been submitted to the DPEA against the latest Whitelee windfarm extension – on the basis of water contamination. This may be the first documented evidence of such an effect and it could have worldwide implications. go to simple search and put in WIN-190-1 The submission went in on 5th February and you […]

Doctor claims Scotland’s biggest windfarm has contaminated public water supply with cancer-causing chemical

Posted Category: Health, News, Water Contamination

Doctor claims Scotland’s biggest windfarm has contaminated public water supply with cancer-causing chemical By Craig McDonald RACHEL Connor says samples taken from windfarm on Eaglesham Moor, Renfrewshire, were up to almost 70 per cent of recommended maximum. Test results obtained by Rachel Connor over a four-year period showed high levels of potentially cancer-causing chemical trihalomethane (THM). At […]

Why reliable information on wind power is so important

Posted Category: Aarhus, Health, News

These presentations were given at the recent inaugural Scottish Rural Parliament held in Oban November 2014.  The presentation was given in two parts illustrating recent disclosures relating to adverse effects of wind power spanning evidence and reports from renowned experts and engineering sources: Part 1: ‘Why reliable information on wind power is so important’ by Christine […]

Face up to wind power problems now  by IAIN MACLEOD

Posted Category: Letters, News

Risks can be kept to acceptable levels, says Iain MacLeod THE UK and the Scottish Governments are taking action to seek to reduce CO2 emissions and to reduce dependency on fossil fuel. The main strategy to achieve these goals is to substitute energy from fossil fuel with energy from renewable sources. The problem with the […]

Deceitful figures

Posted Category: Experiences, Letters

Sir, I was angered by the deceitful figures released by those who promote the renewables industry on the TV news and in various newspapers at the end of last week. I beg that the reader take these figures with a pinch of salt because power from wind and water is as variable as the weather […]