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Experiences in other countries

Posted Category: Experiences

USA In a 20-minute video of testimony by a man named Cary Shineldecker.  The Shineldecker home, in Michigan, is surrounded by industrial wind turbines (IWT’s).  In the video, Mr. Shineldecker (an engineer) painstakingly and courteously explains to the wind developer, an outfit named Consumers Energy, how it systematically violated and ultimately pulverized his family’s home and life. Australia For the past […]

Complaints to UNECE: Why the Scottish and UK windfarm policy should be tested in a court of law?

Posted Category: Aarhus

The UK’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) is in breach of the Åarhus Convention Åarhus Implementation Guide   Pat SWORDS from Ireland and Christine Metcalfe from Argyle have both taken complaints about the legality of the Renewable Energy programmes to the United Nations Compliance Committee. Their complaints have been ratified.  ACCC/C/2012/68  and ACCC/C/2010/54. Both rulings […]

The Right to Environmental Information – a case study

Posted Category: Aarhus

5th December 2013       Growing an informed Scotland Presentation by Christine Metcalfe (to be delivered to HOLYROOD’S 11th.ANNUAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION & EIA Conference)                            Re. The Ratified Aarhus Compliance Committee’s decision affecting the:                                             […]

German authorities are now clear in that there is a very real issue with low frequency sound

Posted Category: Health, News

The German authorities are now clear in that there is a very real issue with low frequency sound and recognise that they both need to update their regulations and complete more research. /texte_40_2014_machbarkeitsstudie_zu_wirkungen_von_infraschall.pdf Abstract This feasibility study evaluated the state of knowledge about the effects of infrasound on human beings, the identification of infrasound […]

The Principle or Proportionality and reasons for access to information

Posted Category: Aarhus

The Principle of Proportionality ‘The extent of the action must be in keeping with the aim pursued’. There has to be access to the ‘reasons and considerations of the decision’, such that in the Article 3 step the environmental issues are independently weighed up and concluded on. This then leads on to the broader issue […]