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Couple win wind turbine ruling

Posted Category: Experiences

Couple win wind turbine ruling October 02, 2013 A WINDFARM has been ordered to demolish ten turbines and pay compensation and fines after it was successfully sued by a couple. Speaking to Le Figaro newspaper, the couple’s lawyer, Philippe Bodereau, said: “This decision is very important because it demonstrates to all those who put up with windfarms […]

Recordings Of Pulsations from Turbine Blades

Posted Category: Health

Click for PDF, with all graphs included by Richard James, Noise Engineer (7/8/14) As the blade passes the tower, the low frequency noise and infrasound is generated at a frequency related to the hub’s rotation and number of blades. These pressure pulsations appear as tones during analysis, but are not heard as tones by most people. […]

British Medical Journal on Wind turbine noise

Posted Category: Health

Paper Published 8 March 2012 in the British Medical Journal on Wind turbine noise By: Christopher D Hanning, honorary consultant in sleep medicine; Alun Evans, professor emeritus View the paper at BMJ here. “The evidence for adequate sleep as a prerequisite for human health, particularly child health, is overwhelming. Governments have recently paid much attention to the effects of environmental noise […]

Wind Farm Noise written by Daniel Shepherd, Chris Hanning and Bob Thorne.

Posted Category: Health

Book with section on Wind Farm Noise written by Daniel Shepherd, Chris Hanning and Bob Thorne. Buy at  Amazon here. Abstract Windfarms consist of clusters of wind turbines, which, when placed in populated areas, are associated with intrusive and unwanted sound. A relatively new noise source; wind turbine noise has characteristics sufficiently different from other, […]

Cape Code Overview of Problems

Posted Category: Experiences, Health

This is to demonstrate the problems with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) Wind Science Panel process, the findings of the panel and subsequent actions taken by MassDEP The attached document (Windwise Cape Cod overview of problems withMassachusetts State Agencies) will fully demonstrate why the conclusions have been challenged, not […]

Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health by Michael A. Nissenbaum, Jeffery J. Aramini, Christopher D. Hanning

Posted Category: Health

Noise & Health Journal have produced a paper on the Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health, written by: Michael A. Nissenbaum, Jeffery J. Aramini, Christopher D. Hanning September-October 2012 | Volume 14 | Issue 60 Download the whole document here: Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health “Introduction Environmental […]

Open Letter from Concerned Resident (Australia)

Posted Category: Experiences, Health

Open Letter sent to: Dr Rosemary Lester Chief Health Officer 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne 3000 Victoria, Australia Date: 2.4.2014 Dear Dr. Rosemary Lester, You and your Department are well aware of impacts of industrial wind turbines on human health from reports from Victorian residents.  This document explains precisely what is occurring for residents living in quiet […]