Arecleoch from Beneraird

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Subsidy Sam The Turbine

Posted Category: Experiences, News

Lindsey Ward has created a children’s short story, with the support of cartoonist  Josh , in response to the wind industry’s Tommy the Turbine. It is an attack on the indoctrination of our children by multinational wind developers and featured in the P&J today, who report that the Scottish Government and Scottish Renewables have declined to comment. […]

The £120million question: Did Britain’s biggest windfarm contaminate water?

Posted Category: Health, Water Contamination

By Craig McDonald DR Rachel Connor claims the water has deteriorated since construction work started on the windfarm. CONTAMINATION caused by building Britain’s biggest windfarm has forced water bosses to construct a new £120million pipeline, according to a campaigning doctor. Scottish Water announced the major works between Ayrshire and Glasgow last month. They said 29 […]

Sick and Tired Protest – Falmouth, Mass.

Posted Category: Civil Aviation, Experiences, Health

“What other industry is allowed such a wide berth to profits while completely sacrificing the public good?” Greetings from the North American Platform Against Wind Power. Millions of people around the world join you today in spirit and voicing their support for your protest, and in solidarity with your objectives. Thank you very much for […]

Re: Decision V/9n concerning compliance by the United Kingdom

Posted Category: Aarhus, Access to Justice, Civil Aviation, Water Contamination

Re: Decision V.9n  concerning compliance by the United Kingdom – invitation to comment on Party concerned’s second progress report: Comments are the result of research and dialogues, not only with professionals, but many at the grass roots of society both here and abroad who are now experiencing what it is like to live with the […]

Wind turbines too close to one another also create their own wind shear.

Posted Category: News

See this article for a summary of accidents and fatalities  Very important new  research results from Germany – now also published (August 2015) in a top level scientific journal about limits due to turbulence in wind”parks” that considerably limits the energy production from the wt’s due to turbulence between the single wt’s. Note the far […]

Ontario’s Electricity Dilemma

Posted Category: Energy Security

Ontario’s Electricity Dilemma by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers “We need to stop adding solar and wind for ideological reasons”. Excellent presentation report with some interesting data: